
Our team consists of talented and passionate researchers from different disciplines. Together we have expertise in all required fields to conduct scientific research to realise our mission. Meet our experts.

prof dr Sjaak Brinkkemper

prof. dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper

Sjaak Brinkkemper is full professor at the Information and Computing Sciences Department at Utrecht University and is chair of Software Production. Sjaak initiated the Care2Report research program in 2018, and serves as principal investigator. He also serves on several advisory and editorial boards.

prof dr Sandra van Dulmen

prof. dr. Sandra van Dulmen

Sandra van Dulmen is program leader at Nivel (Netherlands institute for health services research), full professor at the Department of Primary and Community Care of Radboud university medical center and professor II at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen, Norway. 

prof dr Kees van Deemter

prof. dr. Kees van Deemter

Kees van Deemter is full professor at the Information and Computing Sciences Department at Utrecht University and is chair of Natural Language Generation.

prof dr ir Judith Masthoff

prof. dr. ir. Judith Masthoff

Judith Masthoff is full professor at the Information and Computing Sciences Department at Utrecht University and is chair of Interaction Technology.


dr. Fabiano Dalpiaz

Fabiano Dalpiaz is an assistant professor in the Information and Computing Sciences Department at Utrecht University. His research interests include requirements engineering, conceptual modeling and knowledge representation, and automated reasoning.

prof dr Albert Salah

prof. dr. Albert Salah

Albert Salah is a full professor in the Information and Computing Sciences Department at Utrecht University and is chair of Social and Affective Computing.